Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stay True To You!

As we approach the approach the holidays it seems fitting to give my yearly advice....stay true to who you are. Dealing with abuse often brings mental anguish, physical problems (e.g. headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, etc.), and even spiritual questions, such as why would God put me through this challenge?

Your attacker(s) need you off-balance to bring you down and wear you out. It's a psychological game being played in order to get advantage.

You have to stay strong and not let them change you. Write in a journal to get your emotions out. Exercise to relieve stress. Read. Go out to dinner or a movie. Don't obssess 24/7 for your own mental and physical well-being.

Smile. Laugh. Love.

You can fight back and fight to stay a healthy and whole individual.

God bless!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on a 90 day suspension that has been good for my health. My pocket suffered a little bit but I have a temp job where, so far, I am treated humanely. I return to the "fight" in January..I think this time has been God's way of giving me a breather and equipping me to carry on until the end. The racial slurs, isolation, ostracization and other behaviors will be dealt with better.

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Angela P. said...

Ms. Mary

I must day I have taken the advise you have spoken about in your blogs. I can said the best tool to fight abuse is you conquer the evil by doing good. It is the best defense from the bible point of view. I do not let any of the psychological drama the tactics that my employer and the employees pull get to me one bit anymore. I can honestly say they are puzzled how I am handling what they have tried to do to me and is still trying to at present. My mental and physical well being is stronger than ever before. Doing what it takes to strengthen my spirituality and over all well being along with your advise from the blogs. I have a whole now out look on life and I can honestly say I thank my heavenly Father for guiding me through all the troublesome times I have had in my life and still coping with at present. I will continue to read your blogs regularly and I want to say you are a source of encouragement in my life. I pray that you continue to post information and it never ceases. Again, may God bless you.

8:30 AM  

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