Tuesday, February 12, 2008

NY Times Article: Can't Prove Obama was a Junkie

The NY Times had an interesting article yesterday, Friends Say Drugs Played Only Bit Part for Obama, which contained this: In more than three dozen interviews, friends, classmates and mentors from his high school and Occidental recalled Mr. Obama as being grounded, motivated and poised, someone who did not appear to be grappling with any drug problems and seemed to dabble only with marijuana.

The article ended with this quote, from an Obama college friend, “I would never say that he was a druggie, and there were plenty there,” she said. “He was too cool for all that.”

Talk about racism!

George W. Bush was long rumored to have been more than a casual user of cocaine and had battles with alcohol, but I don’t recall any article being written that talked about interviewing more than 3 dozen people to confirm or rebut this.

Bill Clinton admitted marijuana use, but claims “I didn’t inhale.” While people laughed at this claim, I don’t recall any article being written that talked about interviewing more than 3 dozen people to confirm or rebut whether or not he inhaled.

I find the timing of this article, the day before the critical Potomac Primaries (votes in DC, MD, and VA) to be more than a coincidence. Nothing has happened in the past week to stop Sen. Obama’s momentum and, lo and behold, there’s a front page story once again connecting the Senator to drug use.

This so-called piece of investigatory journalism was even discussed on a cable news program last night. Thankfully, it was blasted as the load of crap that it is. There is no point to the article, except to admit that Obama wasn't a junkie or drug dealer.

Clearly, the NY times writer was hoping for some sort of controversial outcome with his investigation. He was looking for an explosive headline. Instead, he was left to suggest that Sen. Obama may have exaggerated his drug use. But, for what purpose? To sell books? Sen. Obama published the book before he was a senator. Would dabbling in drugs really have increased sales for him?

It’s interesting that the writer did more than 3 dozen interviews to find out details about Sen. Obama’s drug use (he wrote that Obama hadn't been forthcoming with specifics about his drug use), but ended up with an article overflowing with praise for the Senator.

Here’s the link:



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