Sunday, January 06, 2008

IN THE NEWS: Why Must Blacks Ignore Race, When Many Others Do Not?

I want to touch on something that’s been bothering me. The issue comes out of politics, but it reminds me of issues and mindsets I’ve encountered in the workplace. Today, I’m going to discuss comments that have been made by members of the print, TV, and electronic media about Senator Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy.

First, the media raised questions about whether or not Senator Obama was “Black enough.” I had never heard a Black person asking this questioning or stating they were having some sort of internal debate about this “issue.” That is, until members of the White media began to question if Blacks would support the senator’s campaign.

Second, members of the White media have been making statements wondering if, “Blacks will vote for Obama just because he’s Black.” Or, they’ve come right out and said that Blacks shouldn’t vote for Obama just because he’s Black.

At Saturday’s New Hampshire debate, Sen. Hillary Clinton said that she was an agent for change and that putting a woman in the White House, for the first time, would be a major change. In one of the earlier debates, Sen. Hillary Clinton even stated, “I’m your girl!” as she tried to punch her allegedly inevitable ticket to the White House.

Imagine if Sen. Obama made similar statements about his race. “Hey, America…elect me because I’d be the first Black President. I’m your Negro!” That would be a ridiculous argument for such a lofty position as President of the United States. Sen. Obama doesn’t go around making race his selling point. He has been trying to appeal to people based on common issues and ideals. While many others are focusing on his race, he is trying to be a candidate for all Americans.

Sen. Clinton’s comment that change in this country would be made if she’s elected the first female president was the final straw for me in this whole, will Blacks vote for Sen. Obama just because he’s Black media debate. So, I ask the question…

What if we do elect Sen. Obama just because he’s black? You heard me…

What if we do decide to vote for him just because he’s Black?

Why not? So, what?

How different would that be from the behavior that far too many Whites have historically engaged in, when they discriminate against Blacks—and in favor of other Whites—simply because of race?

I’m tired of some Whites using stereotypes and other biases to target Blacks in many facets of American life. BUT, when it suits them, wanting us to fall into what I will call the Sidney Poitier caricature of the noble Black person. We shouldn’t vote for Obama simply because he’s Black. We should be bigger than that. We should vote White! Again!!

Has anyone told women not to vote for Sen. Clinton because of shared gender identity? No! And, it never comes up. Why not?

Didn’t evangelicals in Iowa vote for Mike Huckabee out of shared religious beliefs? Before the Iowa Caucuses, who told evangelicals they shouldn’t automatically do this? No one! Why not?

Has anyone said that Italians shouldn’t automatically vote for Rudy Giuliani out of a shared heritage? No! And, it never comes up. Why not?

Has anyone told Catholics not to automatically vote for Rudy Giuliani because of shared religion? No! And, it never comes up. Why not?

Has anyone told veterans not to automatically vote for Sen. John McCain because of a shared military background and based on his sacrifice for his county as a POW in Vietnam? No! And, it never comes up. Why not?

We’ve got social conservatives in this country, who will only vote for a candidate based on their stance on socially conservative issues. No one ever questions if they should. It’s accepted that they will and it’s accepted that their support is okay. They are looked at as a reliable voting block for the candidate who is what I will call “like them.”

When former Rep. Harold Ford Jr. (Black) ran for the Senate seat in Tennessee, he was up against Bob Corker (White). Corker used White women in TV ads and jungle music in radio ads that targeted Ford solely based on playing into racial biases. Corker won! While many Whites voted for Ford, many Whites didn’t vote for Ford. Do you think all of the Whites, who voted for Corker, did so because they believed in him? Or, did some of them vote for him because they didn’t want that ni**er to win?

So, why must Blacks be noble?

Some vote for candidates based on 2nd amendment rights. Who in the media is asking if they should? Some vote solely on abortion rights based on overturning Roe v. Wade and judicial appointments. Who in the media is asking if they should? Voting on narrowly defined issues and connections makes most people members of voting blocks. Yet, the thought of Blacks doing as everyone else typically does and historically does is frowned upon.

I just want to know why everyone is asking Blacks to be so damned open-minded and noble about voting for someone. Sen. Obama is a viable candidate! So, why must we be the ones to ignore race, when others don’t have to ignore religion or other factors? Why should we tune out his message and his candidacy? Why should we assist in derailing his campaign and efforts?

Blacks have been a loyal and large voting block for Democrats. Well, Democrats have often taken advantage of that loyalty by ignoring our issues, once they are elected to office. What’s wrong with shaking things up now, especially for a candidate that many of us believe in? I know Blacks, who are afraid to vote for Obama simply because they don’t want to “waste a vote.” They think Whites won’t elect him. Iowa is making them wonder if it’s “okay” to vote for him now.

I say, “Waste your vote.” If that’s what you want to call it, go ahead and do it! Support who the hell you want, just like Whites do!

I heard someone suggest that Blacks can show how far we’ve come by NOT VOTING FOR SEN. OBAMA!! Oh, yeah! Well, why should we??? Why do Blacks have to set some other standard?

When Oprah came out for Obama, there was a media frenzy. She’s never supported anyone! She’s playing the race-card! Yada! Yada! Yada! God forbid she really believed in his candidacy. I believe she does! But, what if it was race? So what!!!

You don’t think John McCain is counting on getting votes from fellow veterans?

You don’t think Mike Huckabee is counting on evangelicals and other religious individuals?

You don’t think Hillary Clinton is still counting on women?

You don’t think Rudy Giuliani is counting on Italian and Catholic pride?

So, why can’t Sen. Obama count on us!!!

Tell me what you think. Post a comment!

Tomorrow I will connect this issue to the issues faced by Black managers and their Black subordinates, who are often chided about or are warned not to be perceived (by Whites) as being “too close” or “friendly” or “too impartial” or “too preferential” to other Blacks.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because whites do something (that has failed), doesn't mean we should do it.

Since they are the majority and we are the minority, we cannot afford to use methods that better suit them.

Since we, as a collective, have different needs, our leaders should reflect that.

If we rally behind a candidate solely because he's black (Especially a guy that didn't want to be identified as being black), we deserve whatever bad fate comes to us under his leadership.

Stop defining ourselves, our leaders, and our needs based on what whites do an think.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent post! I'm not insane enough to vote for a candidate based race. But alas, Obama wins for me on other levels.

Of course, blacks will be accused of blindly "voting black" when casting a vote for Obama. God forbid we actually weighed the issues and found him the honest best candidate. Like you mention, whites, women, veterans, etc. rarely face the same accusation when voting for other members of a group - whether the group converges along race, religion, experience, or military history.

Thanks for the great post!

Would you mind if I reprinted the post at my blog, giving credit and a link to your blog??? The post would be published in it's entirety...

12:38 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

Excellent post. I thought the same thing the other night as I watched Hillary pitch that the "First Woman President" talk.

1:28 PM  
Blogger S. Mary Wills said...

Hi Hawa!

Please feel free to publish the post on your blog. As long as there is a link to the site and my name, we cool! LOL

DBlack, I understand where you're coming from. No, we don't have to repeat what Whites do. But, why not get some equality right now?

We always put ourselves in the position of having to take the higher ground, when others do not and will not.

BLACKS CAN AND OFTEN DO GET BAD LEADERSHIP FROM WHITES, including those we've voted for. We have always put Whites in office, many of whom do nothing for us, once they get the position.

So, what harm comes of Sen. Obama becoming President and doing nothing for Blacks? How do we know he won't. What if he'll be a great president? Are we cheating ourselves by holding him to some higher standard then we've ever held others to?

If the worst that happens is there's another Katrina and we get some food, medical supplies, trucks, buses, helicopters, doctors, then damnit, it's worth it the so-called risk.

I keep hearing that Barack is not Black or doesn't want a racial label. So, what? Look at his wife and daughters. This is not a Tiger Woods scenario playing out. He married a dark-skinned,beautiful, strong and intelligent Black woman! He has a Black family. What is the problem? Is a label that important?

Is what he's called that important that we'll spite him for it and possibly ourselves?

Is it really that bad to give him a chance?

9:10 AM  

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