Monday, September 25, 2006


Continuing my posts on behaviors Blacks should avoid in the workplace, today's suggestion not wear make-up that is for someone lighter than your complexion in the hopes that you can avoid appearing “too Black.”

You may think you look good. But, no, sweetheart, you still cannot pass for White! And, you look stupid.

I don’t care if your coworkers just came from Lilly White USA. They will not take one look at your ashy face and think that you are also a Lilly White-ian. But, they will laugh at your fresh out of a casket looking skin. Only Little Richard (or Don Cornelius) should be caught wearing Pancake #31.

So, wear foundation and make-up that matches and compliments your complexion—regardless of what color you are. There are probably only a handful of Black women that can get away with wearing that Barbie Doll shade of pink lipstick that White girls wear. So, if you’ve been wearing Barbie Doll pink lipstick, my Sistah…

please wipe that crap off. Right now! Go get a mirror. Really look into it. Love what you see. And, get a deeper shade of lipstick that does not make you look like a self-hating freak. You will gain no points with the Whites on your job, or anywhere else, by making yourself look like a clown.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My coworker wears barbie pink lipstick and blue shadow. and she's a dark sistah. Straight up clownin' herself! LOL

2:52 PM  

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