Sunday, September 09, 2007

Eddie Griffin Bounced Off Stage for Rampant Use of the N-Word

Comedian Eddie Griffin was performing a routine at a Black Enterprise Magazine event last week, when he decided to throw around the n-word like it was going out of style. Well, it looks like Eddie should have checked himself or he should have checked with Earl Graves, the publisher of Black Enterprise.

Right in the middle of his performance, the microphone went dead on Mr. Griffin. The crowd went wild, when Mr. Griffin left the stage (quite pissed) and Earl Graves came out to say that the offensive language simply would not be tolerated at the Black Enterprise event.

According to Black Enterprise’s spokesman, “We believe that ending the performance was the appropriate action…”

What’s your stand on this issue? Should Mr. Griffin have been allowed to finish a performance filled with the word "ni**er" or was it the correct move to yank him? Should Black Enterprise have hired Mr. Griffin to perform, despite his history of using the n-word repeatedly in his shows?



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