Tuesday, December 12, 2006

New York Cops Abuse Blacks More Often

NOTE: This post isn’t work-related, but is relevant to the “black factor.”

The Associate Legal Director for the New York Civil Liberties Union, Christopher Dunn, has come up with the latest “well duh!” piece of analysis. Mr. Dunn reviewed recent statistics, in New York, that showed African Americans counted for 60% of the victims of PROVEN police misconduct. The review also showed that in cases where the NYPD disciplined its officers this year, two-thirds of those cops received THE MILDEST reprimand available.

Source: www.nydailynews.com, Alison Gendar, Cops Abuse Blacks More Often: Study, 12/12/06)

I bet that last bit of analysis is perfectly consistent with the types of “reprimands” doled out in corporate America. When there are internal investigations, employees and managers are rarely found guilty of anything serious. And, when misconduct can’t be denied, a slap on the wrist is usually the punishment. In my case, I reported misconduct by a White supervisor and was told, “Don’t worry. We talked to her. We can’t tell you what was said, but it was serious!” Yeah, right!


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